Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

... you can learn from:

Dahmer (2002)

Jeffrey: If your eyes were closed, 
and someone went down on you, do you think 
you'll know the difference if it was a guy or a girl? 
Lance: I'm not into guys if that's what you mean. 
Jeffrey: How can you be sure? 
Lance: 'Cause I know. 
Jeffrey: From experience or just 'cause 
you always heard it was wrong? 
Lance: Don't give me that shit, it's just the way you are! 
Jeffrey: Just for arguement sakes then, just... 
Lance: It'd be different because you'd be thinking 
it was a guy, and then you wouldn't be turned on by it. 
Jeffrey: But what if it were completely dark, 
you couldn't see anything. How could you be sure? 
Lance: Guess it wouldn't matter. But so what? 
Like I'm gonna be in some dark room with some invisible guy. 
Jeffrey: So you're close minded? 
Lance: Why do I have to have sex 
with guys to be open minded? 
Jeffrey: You think you're a rebel don't you? 
Lance: Not really. 
Jeffrey: Okay. What's your favorite movie? 
Lance: Bonnie and Clyde?
Jeffrey: And your favorite band?
Lance: Lynyrd Skynyrd.
 Jeffrey: What do you think of The Police? 
 Lance: Don't like 'em. 
Jeffrey: It's pretty obvious you're a rebel, 
you're against the establishment. 
 Lance: 'Kay, maybe I am? 
Jeffrey: So why can't you see that having sex with only
girls is following the most fascist social law of them all? 
Lance: Clyde Barrow broke every law there was, 
including killing people, and he did not fuck guys! 
Jeffrey: I read he did...
or at least I read that in a movie. 
Aww man remember when Jeremy Renner was an interesting actor?
Jeffrey Dahmer was born on this day fifty-three years ago. 


Ors said...

He still is an interesting actor :/

das buut said...

Whenever I need arthouse porn, I watch this film (with a carefully controlled fastforward button). Jeremy Renner, despite playing the psychotic freak that was Dahmer, made this role seductive some how.

I can't help it, Jeremy Renner's cannibal killer was sexy. Maybe I'm just horny. Then again, I also felt the sexual tension between Clarice and Hannibal.

Anonymous said...

I love this movie and Renner's performance for how sick it makes you feel.

Anonymous said...

Agree with all the above comments. But I fear for Renner's career. He's sort of caught between leading and character man and can't seem to make the full leap either way, and some of that has to do with his looks, and some of it has just to do with the way Hollywood works. He's been excellent in smaller character driven acting roles and can still be. I wondered if perhaps that was his reason for taking a haitus from acting that I read about. He needs to figure out where to go from here.

BRB said...

This movie is so good!

das buut, you are not alone in your reaction.