Listen, I knew that Andrew Garfield's rump was helped out a little bit with some discreet padding in the costume he wore in the first movie. I was okay with this. You were okay with this. We were all okay with this. We just communally decided that we wouldn't say anything about it, and enjoy the fruits of everybody's labors. It was work going towards the most divine of intentions - who's going to complain about that? But somebody, I don't know, who, I don't want to point fingers, or say that maybe their name rhymes with Schmandrew Schmarfield or anything, but somebody decided they'd go au naturel this time around, and that somebody made a mistake.
It's okay! We're gonna get through this! We all make mistakes. Recognizing that a mistake was made it like 75% of the challenge. Now you just have to go and reshoot your entire multi-million dollar movie, with some padding, is all. Super simple! I will work for free, I swear it. Gimme that girl's job, the one on the left down below. I'll make magic happen! (pics via)
Hopefully that's just the stunt guy and they can CGI his bum back in.
I dunno, there's also this shot in that set which I didn't post that shows Andy's face. Unless they're both there.
First of all, that costume just looks off and there was padding in the first costume?? I didn't know that!
Spider-bum isn't as real as i thought it was?
This is like finding out about the Tooth Fairy all over again.
Nobody ever admitted to it but it seemed like there had to be some contouring going on. Not a lot, just, you know, some lifting and squeezing and what not. The ass we're seeing here is more in line with the ass we've come to know from Andy, and it's a perfectly fine ass, in check with his skinny self and all, but I preferred the previous costume's lil' added extra effort.
- i will not see that movie if that ass is not in it
I'm sorry, but this guy if FUGLY. Quit trying to make it happen. Gag.
You can all breathe easy. I think that picture shows it is indeed the stunt guy that has the flat butt.
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