Friday, April 19, 2013

Frankenstein's Army in 200 Words or Less

This sort of thing's borderline review-proof - it's a self-consciously ridiculous parade of "Can we top that?" monster excess - so who the hell cares if I say you can plainly see the guy breathing immediately following the line "He has stopped breathing!" or that there are dummy heads bouncing around like cartoon rubber balls? It's basically a Steampunk Power Rangers set in World War II, and who am I to deny the world that? Nitpicks that aren't really nitpicks but more... clarifications... aside, Frankenstein's Army is a lot of fun once it gets going. The found-footage first-person camera thing never makes a lick of sense at all, but if I start debating logic here I will fall down a hole from which I will never escape - it is used so the monsters can come running right at the camera, and pop out from around corners at us and make us jump, and therefore it accomplishes its goals. I only hope that someday I can see people dressed as these robo-atrocities at Comic-Con; I'd like to have my picture taken with the Mosquito very much.

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