Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Jellicoe's Rage

My first reaction to last night's news that HBO finally ("finally" as in "they finally crapped the bed" or "they finally raped my grandmother's skull") cancelled Enlightened was the desire to smear some mascara down my cheeks and barge into their offices, freaking out a la Amy in the pilot. But with the light of morning I'm feeling slightly less deranged, slightly more poetic - at least it got a good ending. We have Mike White and Laura Dern to thank for that, though. The writing was on the wall, and no amount of waxing from online media was gonna turn that tide, I guess. At least we got two entirely perfect seasons of TV - it's more than The Comeback or Freaks and Geeks or My So-Called Life got, ya know? Now we can set to dreaming up out own story-lines for Amy and Tyler and Dougie and the whole gang - I'd rather it were Mike White tucking me in, he's the premium story-teller here, but we'll make do. Here's to the next great thing you come up with, Mike! And if Laura Dern don't get her Emmy, I'm reconsidering my mascara action.

1 comment:

homeslaughter said...

Sorry, but I still want to rage on HBO, scream about the shitty affair we had, get hauled away by security guards, and then go into debt at a pan-asian religion flavored rehab facility in Hawaii