Thursday, March 07, 2013

Alexander Skarsgård Thirteen Times


(click to embiggen) Two things. Firstly -- when did Alexander Skarsgard start having chest hair? This is a delightful development! Secondly -- I'd totally forgotten he is set to play Tarzan. I read this morning that director David Yates, who will be pointing his zoom lens at Alex's loincloth, wants Jessica Chastain to play the Jane to his ape-dude, and I think she is a marvelous pick. I know they're updating the property, trying to make the character hip for the young folks, but I get all goose-bumpy picturing Miss Chastain in one of those safari suit and pith helmet combos, don't you? But believe me, it's not the slightest an heterosexual impulse - we're just playing dress-up with my cousin's dolls here.

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