Friday, February 15, 2013

A Hacker Like Hemsworth

It's been four years since Public Enemies came out and wowed absolutely nobody on Earth (cue a couple comments saying otherwise, natch), and now that he's spent his downtime murdering horses it seems Michael Mann is ready to toss his hat into the directing arena anew with a thriller "set in the world of cyber threats and attacks." Do you think it's The Net 2: Nothing But Net? I think it might be! Anyway that big blonde stud up top is set to star in it, so let's hope it's all set inside a sauna. Film-making challenge, Michael Mann! How do you set a movie about cyber threats entirely inside a sauna, with your lead in the tiniest flimsiest we're talking washcloth sized towel imaginable? Hitchcock would have found a way, is all I'm saying.

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