Monday, January 07, 2013

Which is Hotter?

A happy 42nd birthday to Jeremy Renner today. I'm not alone in thinking that this new Witch Hunters thing he's in that's coming out next week (after a rather lengthy delay) looks pretty abysmal, am I? I was momentarily enthusiastic, but that was before I saw the sub-Van Helsing visuals. I picked these two roles because of how redundant they look; my point is, I wish Jeremy would actually act again - he is quite good at it! (I get angrier every year that he doesn't take my advice and make a Fassbinder bio-pic.) Do he and his best drinking buddy Colin Farrell read scripts together? Make better choices, guys! Okay criticisms aside, hit the jump for thirteen pictures o' Mr. Renner...


will h said...

Hopefully he has some good stuff coming up. I can respect that he wants to get paid after so many years working in the trenches. He's just been playing the 10th most interesting character in action movies for awhile.

Sean said...

For 42 he has a rockin' body, but something about him just turns me off. Good actor and all, just kind of a butter face. So much for being nicer in 2013 - it wasn't a resolution anyway.