Thursday, November 15, 2012

American Horror Academy

EW reports that, surprising nobody, American Horror Story has been renewed for a third season. As I mentioned the other day I am digging the shit out of this here second season (although I haven't watched last night's episode yet so nobody say nothing!) and am all over this like gore on Adam Levine's stump. EW is also asking the question du jour for a third season - what should the setting be? There are lots of great suggestions in the comments - some deep Southern voodoo shit, or a Summer camp, or a traveling circus slash carnival... 

... but what I personally would love to see is an homage to Italian giallo - set it in a girl's dance school! Movement on that Suspiria remake from David Gordon Green seems stalled if not dead, and that sort of over-the-top leather-gloved-killers strangling women in bras with bright red blood splashing around - can you imagine? Magical. It would be a perfect fit. And I can totally see Jessica Lange rocking that vibe, too. (Not that she can do any wrong, from where I stand.)


Adam said...

Nothing would say American Horror Story quite like an homage to the Italian giallo, haha.

Jason Adams said...

Okay fine, they can just change the name. BECAUSE I SAYS SO. ;)

Adam said...

"American." "Miniseries." This show has no respect for words!

John said...

JA, I couldn't disagree with you more about this show or this season. Did they hire all new writers? Season 1 was so much better than this asylum crap, very dissapointing. I have to say that last nights episode was ok, getting better but not that great.

Anonymous said...

The biggest problem with this season is the editing. I understand they're trying to throw you off a bit and keep you on your feet but I always feel like I'm going to have a stroke just watching this show.

iggy said...

Last episode was probably the best, or one of the best so far this season.

As much as I like it (Lange is just magnetic, you can't stop watching her), I think this season they've thrown too many things, one more provocative than the previous one (nuns in lingerie, nazis, sex addicts, a love story...) to see which ones work and which ones don't.(i.e. what happened to Fiennes?). Still, better than most shows.

Also, I hate that this type of shows (see also True Blood), only show nudity as bait in the first episodes. We want nudity all the time ;)

Lars said...

I do love the absolute darkness of this season. And yesterday episode's was probably the best of the 2nd season. For some reason, Bloody Face's killing floor looks a lot like the villain's one in "Dragon Tattoo"?

I love Lange, but I really want to see more of Rabe because she's been extremely good this season. James Cromwell has been creepy but also human at the same time.

I keep thinking I'm watching some TV series directed by a German Expressionist director lol. It makes for interesting TV viewing experience, but the over-stylization and (just like Anonymous said) crazy editing are really distracting.

s. said...

That's a very nice idea! I'd prefer to see something with voodoo, circus or with witch trials, though. I just hope Quinto, Cromwell, Rabe and Paulson will return.

Lizou said...

None of my friends watch the show and I've been dying to discuss it! I'm so relieved I'm not the only one who feels this season is over complicated and not up to par with the first. I'm not giving up though. I'm determined that it will come around and I will be rewarded for my faith and patience. Jessica Lange is holding my attention. If her monologues weren't so bad ass I would have given up on the show after reading the title of episode four. But I'm here for you, Jessica, always.
I've been a bad reader, JA. I'm sorry. I should have checked in weeks ago, but anyway... Thank you, JA, for loving horror and embracing this show. I totally needed this post because, as I implied, my friends are failing me. I'd nerd out reading any post you want to write about this season.
For the third season I vote either Southern voodoo or yes, Italian giallo. But I'd prefer voodoo. Ridiculous mounds of decapitated chickens and throat-slit goats, trees steeped in Spanish moss, in your ear loud crickets, deep hum of frogs, and painted voodoo practitioners throwing powders into a bonfire. Yeah, I'd prefer voodoo.

P.S. I feel a bit like a cradle robber for liking Evan Peters as much I do. Oops.