Thursday, September 20, 2012

This Thanksgiving, Get Hitched!

First off, love the poster. But wait a second - the Hitchcock movie with Anthony Hopkins as Hitch is out this year? Fox Searchlight just released that poster along with a release date announcement of November 23rd. Doesn't that seem like a really fast turnaround to anybody else? I swear they were just filming it. This is the one with Scarlett Johansson playing Janet Leigh about the making of Psycho

I don't really think in terms of Oscar but I do wonder if this inserts Hopkins' into the conversation. I mean obviously it's too early to have a clue what the tone is or if it'll be anything resembling good - I never saw Anvil: The Story of Anvil, which is the director's only previous credit (I did hear good things), and lord know's Tony's record defines spotty.

1 comment:

dk468 said...

Screenplay written by Wentworth Miller

A coincidence?

"Watch out ! Watch out !
The real face of a lethal seduction is being exposed!":

Did Park direct this commercial, too? ;- D