Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Spooky Seb Where Is Your Shirt

I've been terrible keeping up with Political Animals (read: I haven't watched a single second yet, although it's all piled up on my DVR) so I hope Sebastian Stan forgives me. You know, when we talk next. It could happen! And he'll see this post as an olive branch. And then... well, you know. Dirty stuff. Hey look here's a clip from his upcoming horror movie called The Apparition, out next week. (thanks Jarett!)

It stars Stan and his nipples and some chick from Twilight
and the blonde one from Harry Potter
A couple more pics after the jump...


Will H said...

*sheepishly* I haven't watched any of Political Animals yet ...

John said...

I really liked it. Ellen Bursten drinks a lot and has quite the mouth. Sigourney Weaver doesn't take shit from anyone. The straight brother is getting married and his fiance has a secret. The gay brother is a cutie but he has a drug/drinking problem and he gets some action with some guys. I was surprised how racy the language was but it's on @10.00. I don't watch USA usually. I hope it gets released on DVD and BluRay with extras. I have no idea if it will be back for more...

Lars said...

Since someone chimes in with their opinions about "Political Animals", I think I'll do that too. I finished the mini-series and had high hopes after the pilot, but then I felt like the creator disappointed me big time. Yes, Burstyn and Weaver are good, but their characters got pushed aside because the creator made a big mistake of trying to show us all the characters within a 6 episodes series. I would just focus on Weaver and Hind, who is fantastic as the husband. Also, Weaver's character basically changed to a much more motherly character as the show goes on. I keep saying, is this the same woman from the pilot? And don't even get me started on the gay son, the stereotypical asian/Japanese designer, the disgusting bimbo blogger, all those 1-D characters...I'm angry because the pilot had such promise, and also the man-shoulders of Chloe Moretz...

John said...

Apparently someone didn't like me giving my opinion about the show, I was just trying to give a heads up to JA about the show. I didn't say it was perfect, I said I LIKED IT. I'll be honest the whole having a 'fashion sense' because you're gay was a big stereotype as most movies/TV show do. Most gay characters back in the 90's were either hating themselves or were dying of AIDS. I know gay people who do use drugs so that happens. The family treated TJ as just another son, who happened to be gay, that's refreshing...JA, when you do watch it you might not like it at all.

Lars said...

Wow, I totally didn't mean it that way. I wasn't going to say anything because I don't want to affect JA's viewing, so since John, you've expressed your opinion that you liked the show, I thought I could say what I thought about it. That's all. Don't take it too personally since I'm not attacking your opinion. I just thought the show can give the gay son and other characters more depth. I don't think the family treats TJ as just another son. They are being very protective of TJ because he's brave enough to come out when he was very young (also, if the show was longer, I would like to know his struggles more, not about him trying to open a club) so he probably went through a lot. However, this seems to suffocate TJ and so he rebels against the fame of the family. The more protective the family is, the more he pushes away, using drugs and sex as an escape.

John said...

Lars, it turns out I missunderstood your comment as you you did mine. I was expecting fighting words from you, and a few expletives. The show was racy, and I liked that but since I liked it it probably won't return. Some people on the Internet can be nasty, glad we cleared that up.