Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Seven Times The Psycho

I chose the above frame from the just released trailer for Martin McDonagh's follow-up to In Bruges called Seven Psychopaths (out on October 12th!) because it looks like Sam Rockwell's about to give a sleeping Colin Farrell a hand-job, obviously, but there were several other shots of Farrell at his most furrowed-brow adorable that I could've gone with too. Like this one:

All I'm saying is I sincerely hope that McDonagh and Farrell have fully consummated this love affair of theirs, cuz it's one for the ages. Here's the trailer:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I absolutely cannot wait to see this movie - I already LOL'd a bunch of times watching the trailer and - seriously - why won't Colin find me and rescue me from all that isn't Colin?!?!?!