Monday, July 23, 2012

Read My Lips

What did she say?


Rebecca said...

Jack Nasty?

Rebecca said...

Oops, I mean "Jack Twist...Jack Nasty"

Jason Adams said...

You got it, Rebecca. I'm still in awe of how Michelle Williams delivers this line. I can't imagine how hard it was to not burst into laughter saying it, but she nails how broken and sad it is for Alma - how she's trying to lash out but her inherent meekness makes her feel ridiculous, and how she doesn't know how to even really get angry. It's all so perfect, while at the same time being completely HYSTERICAL to quote out of context. A mean feat, that.

Rob K. said...

LOVE THIS SCENE. Plus what you said, JA.

Jacob Devine said...

I read the Brokeback short story a few weeks ago, and this line (and practically the entire scene, actually) is directly lifted from Annie Proulx, which I thought was neat.

And yeah. I want to see the outtakes from this scene. Even Michelle had to have cracked up at LEAST once.