Monday, July 02, 2012

Quote of the Day

I'd really been hoping to see a straight guy write an article about why straight men should go and see Steven Soderbergh's male stripper opus Magic Mike, so this article at EW listing five reasons straight guys should see it from a self-proclaimed straight guy was a treat, especially for this passage amidst his number four reason:

"We’ve turned women into action-movie window-dressing, superhero galpals; they’re only allowed to be stars if they prove they can play with the boys, like Angelina Jolie in Salt or…well, actually, there is no “or,” because apparently Hollywood has a quota of one action heroine per decade. And we complain about Twilight and Sex and the City, as if women aren’t allowed to have their own stupid adolescent franchise, even though all we do all day is deconstruct our own stupid adolescent franchises. I mean, come on guys, pretty much every major blockbuster action movie today is about a straight dude tortured by self-doubt who realizes at the 3/4 mark that he’s actually totally cool, usually because his totally hot love interest helps him to realize just how great he is, possibly while wearing revealing clothing."

Plus this writer's number five reason following this is a great gag coming hot on the above's heels and was actually my first thought for this straight guy list, if I were forcing myself to think like a straight guy, which is difficult, so head over and check it out. (Relatedly: Olivia Munn is so good in Magic Mike, I feel bad that I haven't mentioned that yet. Plus her topless scene's already online, natch.)


RJ said...

Olivia Munn really is good in this! Such a cool character!

Pannyxeos said...

Yeah, I was pretty surprised by Olivia. I got so used to her from G4, I wasn't sure that she could actually act. I would definitely be interested in seeing a movie based around her character. She was a whole hell of a lot more interesting than Cody Horn.

Heather said...

The one straight guy in the audience yelled "YEAH" when Olivia first came on the screen.