Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I Dub Thee The Meth Nymphs

Earlier I posted about actress Amanda Plummer getting cast in the next Hunger Games movie and I off-handedly reffered to how I'd always get her and Lori Petty and Jennifer Jason Leigh confused back in the day, and called them the "Nineties meth-nymphs." You know what I mean - those chicks that you'd do drugs with and they'd get all horny and violent and they'd try to scratch your eyes out and totally barf on themselves and you and and then they'd be all horny again before passing out mid-fuck. Those chicks. From there a couple of my astute readers added Juliette Lewis and Patricia Arquette to the mix, and they both totally belong, right? Point being, what an eccentric oft off-putting but completely idiosyncratic bunch of strange actressy sameness all piled up at one time, amirite?


John from Jersey said...

Holy crap. Never realized how interchangeable they all were back then. Although Lori Petty still makes me nervous.

Laika said...

If The A.V. Club can make 'manic pixie dream girl' happen, MNPP can make 'Nineties meth-nymph' happen. It's a thing, people!

Booga said...

Hey wait a minute, Tank Girl was never on Meth. She was high on life...and mutant kangeroo jizz.