Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Good Morning, World


A happy 43rd birthday to forever Queer Gale Harold. He's just kinda up and vanished, hasn't he? I've never watched enough the the American version of Queer as Folk to really gauge just how good or (from what I hear) bad an actor he is; I've always been too attached to my beloved UK original version, you know. But Gale is at least hot, while that Randy dude? He's no Charlie Hunnam, let's just leave it at that.


Anonymous said...

He was on Desperate Housewives as Susan's lover when he got into a very bad accident. He recovered but I don't think he was really able to work in front of the cameras again.

Smithy said...

He was on some crappy CW show about witches last year.

Anonymous said...

I actually think he has acting talent. I always look forward to seeing in him in things (except for the aforementioned "Desperate Housewives" which I refused to watch).

Nathan said...

Do you know why you and every gay who has ever watched QAF US (including me) hates "that Randy dude"? Because unlike the beautiful Charlie Hunnam, Randy Harrison is actually gay.