Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Good Morning, Gratuitous Brian Geraghty


I finally got around to watching this week's new episode of True Blood last night (we'd mentioned our delay on Monday when we posted those shots of Ryan Kwanten's rear) and who should be waiting to greet me but the adorable and underrated Brian Geraghty. It took me a minute to recognize him with the beard he was sporting, but once I did I realized dude deserved a post. He probably deserved a post back when The Hurt Locker was snapping up awards left and right, but I don't think I'd have had as much of him to share back then as I do now, so s'all good. Plus, he has a super sexy 'stache right now:

And that trumps all concerns. That shot up top isn't from True Blood obviously (no beard, no Iraqi hell demons); it's from a 2010 movie called Open House (which was written and directed by Anna Paquin's brother and co-stars Anna and her True Blood hubby Stephen Moyer, so I guess Brian's got Blood connections from before) which appears to be prime Geraghty viewing.

So hit the jump if you want a bunch more. 
Wetsuits and tighty-whities ahead!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He’s one of my favorites