As far as I'm concerned the answer to this question is obviously Harry - five o'clock stubble and athletic socks, hubba hubba - but I wanted to include the below insane 80s commercial (is that Ayre Gross?) for Joust, too. And hey maybe y'all are into guys that commune with ostriches via their crotches. No judgement.
Atari turned 40 yesterday, can you believe it? By the time I was playing games it was Nintendo and Sega's world but I remember playing my fair share of Atari, too. My older cousin had one and Pitfall! was totally my jam. I remember spending hours drawing my own levels for the game on lined notebook paper (side-scrolling video games were made to be drawn on lined notebook paper), with the vine swings and the pits with spikes at the bottom. God what an endless nerd I was. (Ha, "was.")
Come to Washington!
The American Art Museum has a sweet little exhibition called "The Art of Video Games" running through September. Pitfall is prominently featured.
That has got to be the most FU'd commercial for what is probably one of the most FU'd video games ever (Joust, not Pitfall; Pitfall was just an exercise in OCD; then there was Pitfall II, and we won't talk about that, what with the cat and the scorpions, and the swimming and the hanging on to flying entities -- balloons -- in order to *sigh* gain a vantage position... then at the end you get to the cat... just below the platform where you started from... horrendous.)
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