Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... getting sand in my unmentionables with Gary Cooper.
(Or whoever the hell that is, if not him.) (via)


Anonymous said...

Are you sure that's Gary Cooper? It doesn't really look like him.

Jason Adams said...

I'm not sure, I was going off of the site where I found it, and I agree that it's suspect.

Anonymous said...

Um, that guy is good looking but I don't think it's Gary Cooper.

TallTexasBoy69 said...

I agree. Not Gary Cooper, but this guy can be the cause if me getting sand in my unmentionables any day.

Seymour said...

Zooming in, it does look like Cooper and the cars match his hot-looking period. Many of us know him from later films, but he was beautiful in his early days