Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Quote of the Day

Some place else, they'd illustrate this article with a picture of the director at hand or maybe a robot, but not us! It's Hunnam goodness all the way. Anyway I don't even need to hear Guillermo Del Toro speaking out loud in order to get infected by his infectious enthusiasm - reading his enthusiastic words is always enough. Especially when his enthusiastic words are enthusing about giant robots fighting giant monsters. Here he is yammering gleefully about the action we'll be seeing in Pacific Rim (via):

"We take the battles far and above! Two or three of them happen in places where there have never been a battle between kaiju and robots. From the bottom of the ocean to the atmosphere of the Earth. We have a battle in a storm at sea. Every battle we try to do differently. One is seen from the point of view of a single person. We never cut away from that point of view.

... The robots are real machines rather than movie machines – gorgeous and functional at the same time. Each of the robots, when they step in, has their own personality. One has a huge spiky mace made of iron, and another has a giant battleaxe. You don’t go, ‘I wonder what his fighting style is?’ You immediately understand what his fight style is!"

I hope the battle seen from the perspective of one person is from Charlie Hunnam's perspective, and I also hope that he is naked. But that's a given, right? Right.

1 comment:

Hunnam Flavoured Butt said...

Can this movie please be about giant robots and monsters...and rimming?