Thursday, June 07, 2012

I Am Link

--- Big Bad Bane - I have no idea off the top of my head when The Dark Knight Rises is out. I imagine it's soon(ish) since the publicity's ramped up a lot over the past couple of weeks, maybe July? I do realize I could look this up within five seconds, but I'm making a point (and yes I have made it before) - I will see TDKR out of duty, but enthusiasm is slack. The realism and seriousness that people praise in Nolan has kind of come to mean joylessness to me, in a post-Inception world. It's just trying so hard, ya know? Take me seriously! I miss Michelle Pfeiffer licking a bitch's face. Anyway this is my roundabout way of directing you to this new gallery of TDKR pics, including that shirtless hot of Tom Hardy as the beefy bad guy Bane, aka one of the remaining reasons I'm still down.

--- The D Is Silent - The teaser trailer for Django Unchained hit last evening, and it's worth your time for that shot of the cotton being sprayed with blood alone. Classic. I'm still not sold on Jamie Foxx but I trust Tarantino to take somebody I was never sold on before and use the shit out of him, since that's what he does. Speaking of, Leo and his rotten teeth are killing it.

--- Fast Man -Noted Homosexual Luke Evans will be the bad guy opposite Noted "I Only Date In Europe" Vin Diesel in the sixth Fast and Furious movie. Oh to be a fly on the wall of that Vaseline-slathered trailer.

--- Lasso Lady - The dude who wrote the upcoming "Ryan Gosling in silky trousers" film Gangster Squad has been hired to make something make-able out of Wonder Woman. I don't know this dude's work but if Joss Whedon couldn't crack that lady's super-brassiere wide open I don't have a whole lot of faith in storage left over for him.

--- They Live - Stephen King's short story "The Ten O'Clock People" from his collection Nightmares & Dreamscapes is getting turned into a movie by the dude who made Child's Play, not to mention previous terrible King adaptations The Langoliers and Thinner. It's about a man whose chemical balance is thrown out of whack when he quits smoking and suddenly starts seeing that the powerful people in the world are really demons in disguise. So, documentary then.

--- Tall Time - It hasn't come out in theaters yet - and it's only getting a very tiny release at the end of August - but Martyrs director Pascal Laugier's follow-up to that masterpiece, called The Tall Man and starring Jessica Biel, is already set for a DVD release in September, less than a month later. I suppose that's to make up for it getting such a small release. And you can see a big gallery of new pics from it over at BD. It looks moody and brown.

--- Finnicky - Despite all of our incessant rumormongering and need for a well-netted hottie stat, the producers of The Hunger Games 2: We Didn't Catch The Fire insist they don't even have a list of possibles for who they want to play well-netted hottie Finnick Odair yet. So sorry Armie Hammer and Garrett Hedlund, you should go make that movie where you're explicit sexual partners instead. Good? Good.


Prospero said...

"Dark Knight Rises" opens July 20th.

Anonymous said...

Is Hedlund and Hammer (oh God, even their names fit so well together) ever made that butt-buddy movie I swear I've never see anything else.

Anonymous said...




Rob K. said...

Thanks for your Dark Knight and C Nolan commentary, JA. I have never quite gotten all the fuss. I liked Memento but it didn't change my life or anything. And the Dark Knight I honestly don't remember all that well. I have nothing against those that worship Nolan, as long as they can accept that not everybody does and that people have wide and varying tastes among themselves, and that that's ok.

Eve said...

I have nothing against those that worship Nolan, as long as they can accept that not everybody does and that people have wide and varying tastes among themselves, and that that's ok.

Rob, is that they don't. They don't accept a different opinion that doesn't worship Nolan, they invade all the posts about The Avengers on IMDb, to the point that it's practically impossible to discuss the movie without one of them trolling every single thread about the movie and other sites.

I had the audacity to say Nolan pretty much copied a lot of elements from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Matrix and Paprika and, as I expected, wasn't exactly well received. They talk as if Nolan is the second coming of Stanley Kubrick -- oh, wait, who am I kidding? When I see their lists of favourite directors, Nolan is always on top (ahead of Kubrick). Another lunatic compared Nolan to Billy Wilder. The insanity never ends.

Nolanites make Twihards look good by comparison.

Eve said...

I meant "Rob, the problem is that they don't".

Rob K. said...

Eve, yes, totally. Some of those guys are just obnoxious. Definitely not to be engaged in debate. They're the type that give "fanboy" such a bad rep.

Anonymous said...

"Another lunatic compared Nolan to Billy Wilder. The insanity never ends."

If you want to make an argument about the validity of your opinion, you're best to steer away from commentary that frames anyone who personally disagrees with you on a particular point as a lunatic.

This is the problem with most people who attack a particular form of expression as derivative or overhyped: they protest that they are merely expressing their own valid opinion. But necessarily implicit in their own statement is a denigration of another's opinion.

Anonymous said...

Considering how miserable the 1% have made our lives, I can't wait to see a film in which the middle and lower classes take over.