Thursday, June 28, 2012

Five Frames From ?


What movie is this?


psychdoc said...

Mommy Dearest!!!!

Jason Adams said...

When it comes to Mommie Dearest, three exclamation points are not enough! You should break the exclamation point key for it! ;) Anyway correct, you are correct, good work, psychdoc. I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN YOU'D KNOW WHERE TO FIND THE BOYS AND THE BOOZE.

Brad said...

I hate this movie and book for ruining Joan Crawford's reputation but I also love it because well, it's fucking awesome.

Rob K. said...
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Rob K. said...

Don't fuck with her fellahs, it ain't her first time at the rodeo.

This movie will always have a dewy, special place in all our hearts.

psychdoc said...

So much cheese on one piece of celluloid... love it!