Friday, June 08, 2012

Five Frames From ?


What movie is this?


Dennis said...

OK, I know this is a REALLY bad guess, but I had to at least try (since I'm the first responder)......War Horse?

maja said...

legends of the fall?

Jason Adams said...

It's not War Horse but I don't think that was a bad guess at all, Dennis! I can totally see War Horse in these frames. Except you know, not. ;)

Jason Adams said...

And maja guesses it just as I hit post on that previous comment -- correct! It is Legends of the Fall, terrible terrible Legends of the Fall, terribly entertaining Legends of the Fall, all of these things.

maja said...

two days in a row, yay me. :)
indeed, it's terrible. it's also the first movie i've seen without "parental supervision" :D at the cinema.

Joe Reid said...

My first thought was also (my beloved) War Horse, for what it's worth.