What the hell is Tahmoh up to anyway?
I've been wanting to rewatch BSG lately.
"I now forgive Calvin Klein for previously hiring Justin Bieber as a model. I literally stopped buying the brand at that. I will reconsider now."--- MNPP commenter Dan approves, as do we all, of CK's use of Aaron Taylor-Johnson as their latest underwear model. Our baby boy is looking good!
How, after all that Dollhouse hotness he deployed, does he not have a full time job being man candy somewhere? This is one of our nation's true great tragedies, not letting Tahmoh's pecs I mean light shine.
I think he might be on The Killing sometimes, but not even he could get me to watch it. And he showed up on the finale of Castle which also has Nathan Fillion!
Well, he showed up on the season finale of Castle last week...and I gather he was in an episode of The Killing a couple of weeks ago(it's on my DVR but I'm a few weeks behind so haven't seen it yet)
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