Thursday, May 03, 2012

Quote of the Day

I suppose I should've known there would be lots of this stuff out there, but it never occurred to me to look it up until Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman told me to. Zap2It asked Mr. Cumberbatch himself if he was aware of the explicit slash-art involving his Sherlock and Mr. Freeman's Watson on the internet, and he said:

"I am startlingly aware of it," Cumberbatch says coyly. "I don't go seeking it, but Martin Freeman, who was an absolute Luddite on the first series, suddenly came back from New Zealand having done a little radio short drama called The Hobbit, he came back and he had this beautiful Mac with him and said 'Hey, look at this Tumblr.' And I said, 'What? Tumblr? What?' He knows more about it than I do and he was showing me some of them. Some of it is really racy, un-viewable even on MTV. It's cool.

... I suppose my bodily proportions are quite flattering. I'm ripped, doing something I wouldn't normally do with my body, or having done to it, involving Watson. So that's as far as I'll hit about that one, but it's all there on the Web if you want to find it. I was amazed at the level of artistry. People have spent hours doing it."

So now we all know where the next season of Sherlock will be going, I guess. Hopefully they invite Moriarty (mmm Andrew Scott) over! (And without looking I'm sure there's art out there already for that, too.) (art via)

1 comment:

bcarter3 said...

Buzzfeed posted 50+ Sherlock/Watson slash-art images yesterday.
Warning: They start cute, but get v NSFW