Avoiding the entire Twilight thing as best I could has worked wonders for my ability to like Robert Pattinson while everybody else seems... not to. He's still that cute big jawed kid that died in the Harry Potter movie to me! And now he's made Cosmopolis with David Cronenberg, a movie I am very very very excited about, so RPattz? On my good list. Making it moreso he apparently suggested the idea for this photo-shoot for Premiere France (via The Playlist) wherein he's reenacting moments from Cronenberg's earlier films, and be still my heart, y'all. Amazing.
There are a few more pictures at the link.
He's not hot at all but I always appreciate a nice hairy body.
I honestly think this guy could turn into a very interesting actor. He's so pretty but he does have something else going for him - sometimes he feels dirty/sexy to me and sometimes he feels romantically distant and sometimes stupid normal pretty boy and...well...I must say I have been enjoying seeing his "other" movies. I hope he keeps doing weird shit and I hope these next 2 movies are good. And I sort of agree with Anonymous - he isn't necessarily hot but he does look like a gigilo and Bel Ami looks very believable because Pattinson looks pretty but not amazing - does that make sense? He's sort of like Rob Lowe but I actually think he conveys more mental/emotional torture than Lowe did when he was young. But they're both sort of pretty boys with something else...I'm rambling cause I can't quite define it yet. If anyone else gets what I'm trying to define...
I like him with a little meat and some chub to him. This emphasizes his less attractive features. It makes him look almost human, unlike the editing for those dreadful twi-slight movies. Funny, the 'uglier' he gets, the hotter he is.
It's sad really, Pattinson is doing his best, but all he can do in movies is stare really really well.
Dear Anonymous...in this instance, you are wrong. :-) Love and kisses
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