Monday, May 21, 2012

I Am Link

--- Double Oh Daniel - You can see the first teaser trailer for Sam Mendes' James Bond movie Skyfall over here. It looks good - it shouldn't be surprising since Sam Mendes movies always look great, but man this thing's got some pretty shots on display already. But you should just assume I'm a little flummoxed about the lack of Daniel Craig skin being showcased here. There is one shot (shown to the left) that hints at shirtlessness (and I lightened it some to make it clearer) but come on, throw us a bone, man. It's been too long.

--- Speaking of James Bond, Moon and Source Code director Duncan Jones is going to make a bio-pic of Bond's creator the author Ian Fleming his next movie. How much Fleming put from his own experiences in the Royal Navy Fleming used in his 007 books has always been a curiosity so it'll be interesting to see.

--- The Goodbye Wiig - Right around the time Kristen slow-danced with Bill Hader I started crying, and it just got worse from there.

--- Must Watch - Ooh look it's a minute and a half plus ten seconds of footage from Paul Thomas Anderson's next movie The Master, the is it aint it Scientology-ish movie with Phillip Seymour Hoffman and Joaquin Phoenix. It involves good looking vintage men in shorts wrestling on a beach. Well that cinches it, I'm calling it right now - PTA for Best Director of the World!

--- Couples Therapy
 - I haven't gotten around to reading Stephen King's 2009 collection of short stories called Full Dark No Stars, have any of y'all? I heard it's not bad. His short stories tend to work better for me than his longer books, as a general rule. Anyway one of the stories called "A Bad Marriage" and it's going to be made into a movie.

--- Space Jockies - I don't know this book so I have no idea why DH refers to it as "controversial" but a film adaptation of the sci-fi novel by Berry Malzberg called Beyond Apollo is being made - anybody read that book? It's about a two man flight to Venus that ends up with nobody making it to Venus and only one man making it home. The film will star Scott Speedman, which is why I care. The book's cover is total wackiness.

--- Lady Fuzz -  Bridesmaids director Paul Feig is making a buddy cop movie starring Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy next. I should just repeat that sentence, because perhaps then I can decide if that sounds like a good thing or a disaster. I think it's a good thing? But Sandy made Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous, so you'll forgive me for being scarred with regards to her and cop movies.

--- It Bites - There's a Cannes review at AICN of Dario Argento's Dracula 3D and it sounds pretty much like the total epic ugly disaster that first trailer implied it was going to be. This part deserves to be quoted, because for real, yo:

"Thomas Kretschmann is still a good actor, but he’s not at all protected by Argento here, with some really oddly cut dialogue scenes and line-readings… if I were him I’d be furious. I have a feeling Argento cut one of the worst possible versions of his performance in the film."

Poor Thomas. I hate myself for knowing I'm still going to watch this movie the first chance I get no matter what, but there's no helping it. Here I wave a preemptive goodbye to those two hours of my life, already wasted before I've even gotten them.

--- Evil Awaits - STYD shares some whispers that director Pascal Laugier's follow-up to the horror masterpiece Martyrs called The Tall Man is going to be released at the end of August. I want it, please. Even though it stars Jessica Biel, I still want it. And that's a lot of "even though"!

--- And finally, Craig took on my favorite devil-eyed crazy-pants Grace Zabriskie for this week's "Take Three" at The Film Experience, go forth and wonder why she isn't cast in everything ever made, just to even have her walk by, bug her eyes at the camera, and move along. Movies would be 5000% better if that happened.


Anonymous said...

Much of King's work the past few years has been exploring the worst evil there is - man. The four short stories make the Saw movies look G rated. They will haunt you for a while. Even King thinks they're "harsh" as he state in the Afterword.
The first story, the one being made into a movie, is about the ramifications of killing a wife. The second is about rape. The third , cheating death and the forth about a serial killer. None of them go in any predictable direction or ending. Good Stuff.

Caliban said...

Oh my god... the aicn-review is far to nice... it is such a bad movie... saw it in Cannes myself in the midnight screening...
Thomas Kretschman was not good either, sorry to say that.
I had the chance to interview him the next day. I think, he had just a lot of fun and didn't take it to seriously...