Friday, May 25, 2012

Good Morning, World


Nothing starts out a day with a smile like the opening theme to The Muppet Babies. I have The Muppets on the brain especially hard today - yesterday there was that news that the director of the recent The Muppets movie is making a movie out of A Confederacy of Dunces; then I went and read thru Aaron's amazing, amazing list of his fifty favorite Muppets songs (my mind was a little blown about "The Rainbow Connection" not being his number one since it's my favorite song of all time, period, but the dude loves Rowlf - not that there's anything wrong with that); and lastly, today is Frank Oz's 68th birthday! Happy birthday, Frank!

Oh and I lied last evening, I will be posting just a bit today before heading off for the long weekend. You ain't rid of me just yet.

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