Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Betting On Blackwater


Hi Nicky... ahem. Speaking of HBO (we just were, ya know), there are only two episodes left to the second season of A Game of Thrones, and the penultimate episode airing this coming Sunday is a biggie - it's called "Blackwater" which means something to those of us who have read the books and will mean something come Monday to those of you who have not, and it's the episode that we were very excited to learn way back when that Neil Marshall, the director of The Descent amongst other fine genre efforts, was directing from a tele-play written by the esteemed Thrones somebody George R. R. Martin. (I got the use the word "tele-play," I feel so old school!) 

Anyway EW interviewed AGOT's show-runners David Benioff and Dan Weiss, which you can read here (beware some light spoilers), and then they posted the teaser trailer for the episode, which you can watch right here:

Maisie Williams is a superstar. 

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