Friday, April 27, 2012

Ryan Phillippe Three Times



billybil said...

He just always seems like a gigolo to me. A justifiably expensive gigolo, but a gigolo. They should remake American Gigolo for him. I wonder if I could work the word "gigolo" into this comment one more time? JA - do you know any gigolos? Actually, if I was really being honest, Ryan Phillippe strikes me most as a male escort but I don't know of a mainstream movie called American Male Escort, do you?

ADRIAN Coningham said...

Male escorts Philippine or male escorts Sydney based must obviously be much in demand with dowdy, unattractive women who simply have no chance of hooking a boy friend or a husband but want a smart attractive guy by their side. If they wish to pay, so be it. Me, I can snap a finger and have any male take me out to dinner and pay for it. thanks