Monday, April 30, 2012

How I Spent My Weekend

Things have been a little nutso in MNPP-land (behind the curtain, that is) so movie-wise I've fallen horribly behind. The last time I was in a theater was for Cabin in the Woods two weeks back (and I want to see it a second time so bad but I have no idea when I'll be able to) and before that there were a random smattering of preview screenings (Vamps and Damsels in Distress) but basically I've fallen far far behind my normal binge viewing habits. I'm running out of new things to say! I can only quote lines from Muriel's Wedding so many times!

Anyway I did get out to see a couple bands this weekend, so that's something. And I was the obnoxious guy holding up his camera recording half the shows, too! So I figured I'd share some, in case anybody wanted to feel like you were there with me, retrospectively. I know that's your dream!

First up, here's The Shins performing "Simple Song"
 at Terminal 5 here in NYC last evening:

I also recorded "Phantom Limb" which you can watch here.

The night before I saw Death Cab For Cutie at the Beacon performing with a small orchestral section and I recorded a ton since I had a fantastic seat (third row center!). Here they performing one of my very favorite old songs of theirs, "Bend to Squares":

And here they are doing my number one favorite song of theirs, 
"Transatlanticism," which they closed the show with:

You can also see them perform "A Movie Script Ending," "Underneath the Sycamore, "Crooked Teeth," "Stay Young Go Dancing," "I WIll Follow You Into the Dark," and "Tiny Vessels" (tolda I recorded a lot) over here at this link. Great shows!

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