Thursday, April 05, 2012

By Scythe By Knife By Axe Bye Bye


Look at the hotness that is that newly designed poster for the 2006 slasherterpiece (please tell me I just made that word up) Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon! The team behind that movie has been angling to make a prequel-sequel (called Before the Mask) and have taken to the 'net to try and fund it via us folks who call ourselves "the fans." I've linked to the Facebook page before; it's the best place to keep track of what's up. This poster was created in a limited run to drum up some cash, and there appear to still be some left (minus the one I just bought), which you can buy here. They're only twenty bucks! I so hope they manage to get this made. And don't even get me started on how tough it's been for them while Saw got 14 sequels. What a world, what a world.

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