Thursday, March 22, 2012

Who Wore It Best?


The Phantom Puffy Shirt?
Even with both Gerry and Patty in it I've never seen the 2004 version of The Phantom of the Opera - I mean, didja really think I had? - but since it's Andrew Lloyd Webber's birthday today this seemed like a question I could ask. It's supposed to be completely terrible, right? I don't even know any of the musical, to be honest. The hottest Phantom will always be...


mac20 said...

Happy Birthday today, also, to James Wolk, proving that furry wears it better than puffy, every time.

Jason Adams said...

Yes! Well said, Mac. I saw it was his birthday too but there aren't any new pictures of him for me to post so he's got to STEP IT UP.

Ross said...

I recently rewatched it, and Mr. Butler actually wasn't that bad. The movie as a whole, however, was as awful as I'd remembered it to be. Definitely skip it!

Anonymous said...

The "Chandelier Sequence" at the begining has some fun brio, and the physical properties of the film: sets, costumes, actors, look good, but the lighting, direction, and editing are all poor and the music arrangement is hide-bound 80's synth cheese. (not in a good way, in a cheap way).

In short, stinkaroo.

While Schumacher was the right designer for the piece, the director should have been someone like Visconti or the vile Polanski who could really mine the queazy sexuality embedded in the material, (and the better musical numbers) rather than the gauche cheese of ALW's concious intentions.

Another lost opportunity resulting in a crippled, feeble film.

Derreck said...


I never got the backlash for this film. Never. The orchestration is lush, Butler makes for a surprisingly good Phantom and i loved the ending.

I don't know. I guess it was different for me because i saw the movie before i saw the show.