Monday, February 20, 2012

Stoker Real Goode


Haven't gotten a chance to watch this myself but you can't really go wrong with two and a half minutes of watching slash listening to the adorable Matthew Goode talk, no matter what it's about. When it's about Park Chan-wook's English-language debut Stoker, in which Goode co-stars with Mia Wasikowska and Nicole Kidman, this is especially true. (via)



Mondz said...

One of my most anticipated films of the year. Goode should be in more films. Mia is turning out to be a very good actress. And this is also a great follow-up to Kidman's career-comeback performance in Rabbit Hole. Let's pretend Trespass didn't exist.

RJ said...

This is your friendly reminder that I've met him.

Anonymous said...

Most anticipated film round my house too! Btw,only last night i was having fun with myself rewatching Howling and that smoking hot Chris Stone!!