Wednesday, February 08, 2012



Where: University just North of Washington Square Park, NYC
When: 2pm, Wednesday, February 8 2012

I'm as loathe to admit it - god I do not miss Sex and the City - as he is probably loathe to hear it, but all that went through my head was "MR. BIG!!" when he passed me, and yes it was in caps with all those exclamation points. He really does nothing for me but he is a handsome enough slab of wood in person (better than I expected, anyway) and he was about as tall as me, which is definitely a point in his favor (I've seen too many celebrities who seem miniaturized in the flesh). Unfortunately, he did not have that parrot. That would have really made my day. Anyway I'm surprised I've never seen him around before, he seems like one of those people you'd see here all the time. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He lives on East 9th street; my friend lived in his building, rode the elevator with him from time to time and was too star f*cked to make small talk!