Friday, February 03, 2012

Klaatu Barada Shiloh

I have not read and I have no plans to read any of the scripts that have been floating around for the remake reboot whatever of The Evil Dead, so I haven't really gotten a handle on what the deal is with it, story-wise. I know the basic idea - that it's about a group of friends who go to The Cabin in order to detox one of their female friends, who's been hooked on the bad stuff (or the good stuff, depending on your point of view).

What I'm not sure about is what they're doing regarding as Ash type of character - I hope you know Ash is the Bruce Campbell character, but if you don't: Educate yourself, fool! - I've heard competing things. That it'll be the girl getting detoxed who ends up being the lead (when Lily Collins was set to play her that's what I'd heard, but now Lily Collins is not attached to the movie anymore), that there is no Ash-type character at all. 

And now I see that the actor Shiloh Fernandez has been cast as "the male lead," so who knows. I mean the press release goes out of its way to say there is no "Ash character" but really whoever lives to kick demon ass another day is "the Ash character" aren't they? Are they telling us nobody lives? Or that nobody kicks any demon ass? Because an Evil Dead without demon ass-kicking is not an Evil Dead at all.

I digress. I don't even want to know the answers to all this beforehand, because I'd like to have some surprises in store when I eventually see the movie. I mean that's doubtful, but it would be nice.

Okay, so Shiloh. I have ogled Shiloh several times (here and here and here) - and now that's he's the lead in a horror movie I will totally be blogging the hell out of between now and its eventual release I guess I should finally give him his own tag here at the blog, lucky him - but the only thing I've ever seen him in was Red Riding Hood, and he was just fucking terrible in that. I mean everybody was bad in it - Julie Christie was bad in it, for god's sake - but he was really, really bad. But hot! He looked very hot, swishing about in his half cape, being godawful. So... so? I don't know. I have no idea. I can't really judge him off of one terrible movie. And he's lucky enough to be spouting Diablo Cody dialogue, so half the battle's already been fought in his favor. Plus... hot. I mean, all I really need to know is, will he be swallowing an eyeball? Because that's the most important thing.


1 comment:

The Bloody Munchkin said...

"mean, all I really need to know is, will he be swallowing an eyeball? Because that's the most important thing."

Oh god bless you. This is the kind of insight I was hoping for when I sent you that link via twitter. I just knew you'd shape it into something I'd agree with.