Wednesday, January 04, 2012

I Am Link

--- Big Bald Bad Brad - There's a rumor going around that Bradley Cooper (otherwise known as BCoop) will be cameo-ing as Lex Luther in Zach Snyder's Man of Steel. From Gene Hackman to this, eh?

--- Speaking Of Brads - Brad Pitt's big zombie movie World War Z, based off of the solid book by Max Brooks, might turn out to be an entire trilogy, he says. I guess all those babies ain't paying for themselves.

--- Hot Nobbs - I wasn't planning on seeing Albert Nobbs any time soon - as I said yesterday, I have more pressing movies on my mind (so much more pressing that I forgot to even list Nobbs as I'd forgotten it existed). But I happened upon a screener randomly so whatever, right? I had to see if Joe Reid was right. God was he ever - it's odd to see something so simultaneously bizarre and boring, but Nobbs manages it. I don't even have anything to add, Joe said it all, read it at that link. Oh I will add this, I suppose:


--- Eleven Best - Nat's been plowing through his best of 2011 stuff at The Film Experience, and you can see his Top 10 Movies of the year right here. Of the movies I have seen that made his list, they are all fine choices. I'm dying to see A Separation. For the record, it's going to be a good long while before we here at MNPP get to the Pantys since I still have so much to see, plus time needs to cooperate.

--- X Marks The Spot - Glenn knows posters, so go read his best and worst posters of 2011 list at Stale Popcorn. His top two worst were decided the day they were released and cracked the world in half with their unbelievable awfulness.

--- Face Off - Because every single bugget of information I hear on Alfonso Cuarón next movie Gravity only serves to jolt me alive with insane amounts of anticipation for it, here's a tidbit via Slash - Sandra Bullock and George Clooney were shots without any make-up on, much to Sandy's horror.

--- Brad Number 3 - The Machinist and Session 9 director (and personal pet project, we love him) Brad Anderson has replaced Joel Schumacher on a movie called The Hive, which is described as a slasher slash thriller involving a 911 call-center and a girl being stalked by a killer.

--- Gooble Gobble - The ever spectacular Stacie Ponder posted a bunch of her awesome stick figure art-work at Final Girl, and I must share that I am the extremely proud owner of that beautiful card for Tod Browning's Freaks. Well my boyfriend is, but whatever, it's mine all mine!

--- Fincher's Fire - Before seeing David Fincher's movie I didn't totally expect to be so upset about the news that Sony appears to be hesitating on green-lighting the sequel The Girl Who Played With Fire due to less than thrilling box office, mostly because I hated the second Swedish film I guess? I don't know, I didn't really care before if Fincher made a second one. But now I've seen and very much enjoyed the first one, and am dismayed. I need more Rooney Mara's Lisbeth, not to mention more of Daniel Craig little black underpants dammit!

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