Thursday, January 19, 2012

Do Dump or Marry - The Ladies Of Consolidated


In honor of Dolly Parton's 66th birthday today - happy birthday Dolly! - I ask you to look back upon the classic silly 1980 comedy Nine to Five for our first all female edition of Do Dump or Marry. I figure Dolly and Lily and Jane are the movie itself are all gay enough to overcome any funny feelings their lady business might inspire.

This query involves their characters - the mousy newcomer Judy (played by Jane Fonda), the manic yet efficient Violet (played by Lily Tomlin) and the busty and bubbly Doralee (played by Dolly). Which would you drop the pencil in your office for some afternoon delight with, which would you give their pink slip, and which would you chain up in an elaborate system of cords and pulleys to keep  forever?

Hit the comments with your answers!


Wyatt Renfro said...

Really, Jason? Really? You're gonna do this to us. Fine!

If I had to bump uglies with a female I would DO Dolly. Gay men looks big tits. DUMP Lily, just cause she would be uninterested in cock. MARRY Jane. Her whole vibe is working for me.

Jason Adams said...

For the record I would do Jane (she could put those aerobics skills to use), marry Dolly (she is sunshine itself), and regrettably dump Lily, but she could come over to my and Dolly's place whenever she wanted and hang out. I'd even let her motorboat Dolly if she wanted to.

The Bloody Munchkin said...

Doralee 4 life! I would marry her, do Violet (Jane) and dump Lily tomlin's character. blah, just blah. I have a great nostalgic place in my heart for this movie, especially the scene where each of the women fantasizes about killing Dabney. Brilliant.

Ruddigore said...

Being that this is about Colin Higgin's characters and not the actresses that played them, I would do Doralee - you know she would show you a good time and then feed you well afterwards, "Oh and these olives...Everything tastes so marvelous... I can't get over it." Dump Judy - she's too naive and "You're gonna need a special locker for the hat." Marry Violet because she would run an efficient household, "Violet Newstead, please hold. Violet Newtead, please hold. Hello, this is Violet... Kids, Kids, there's more than one peanut butter and banana sandwich in the world." And can't we add other categories, like going drinking with Margaret Foster, "Atta Girl!", or shopping with Missy Hart?

Prospero said...


Do Judy
Dump Violet
Marry Doralee

Joe Reid said...

I cannot BELIEVE only one person in these comments got the answer right. This is the easiest of all time, if we're talking characters.

DO Doralee, because she's the do-able one.
DUMP Judy because she's a timid bore.
MARRY Violet and hatch schemes, take down jerks, set feminist policy, and never ever have sex together because you are a marriage of equals who have an understanding with one another.


Janice said...

And it's Joe Reid for the win....(of course as it happens I'm a lesbian, not that Violet was - was she?)

Erk said...

I'm with Joe & Janice

Do: Doralee
Dump: Judy
Marry: Violet