Friday, January 27, 2012

Adam Brody Pornstache Alert


JJ has pics of the actor on the set of Lovelace, where he's playing vintage penis Harry Reems. They also have shots of James Franco as Hugh Hefner, if you're interested. This has been your Adam Brody Pornstache Alert. Have a nice day.


John said...

Everytime I read your posts it makes me laugh JA, I wish I knew where you come up with the material. Pornstache alert...

Anonymous said...

Are they going to inject him with testosterone or give him a chest hair wig? He could use some more muscle mass, too.

Word verification: peamph, which is oddly enough the sound I made when I heard this casting news.

Scot said...

They should use, "The Messenger" that guy from the Progressive Insurance ads He looks like a 70's porn star. Plus, he's already got the pornstache.