Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Quote of the Day

There's a lot to love in this interview with MNPP pal Sam J. Miller about his book of essays Horror After 9/11 - buy your copy today! - but I especially liked the part where Sam talks about the idea of the gay villain, our beloved Queer Creep, and puts it better than I've ever put it:

"I still get a little tingle of excitement when Norman Bates stomps onto screen in a wig and a dress, waving a butcher knife at the end of Psycho, making our heroes utterly lose their shit. There’s the euphoria of destruction, the panache of a good villain, the idea that we want to burn the whole fucking house down. I wish we were still that scary."

1 comment:

Sean T. Collins said...

This reminds me of a documentary I watched about William S. Burroughs long ago. Ironically it painted him as something of an avuncular figure, until a moment in which he talks about how gay people should become terrorists and murder their way to the control of an island someplace that they could then defend to the teeth. The fury was palpable and alluring.