Thursday, December 15, 2011

Idiots & Asses

It'd be nice if I had something of substance to say about anything the movie Our Idiot Brother, but much like the main character played by Paul Rudd it saunters past all affable like and by the time it's left in a cloud of patchouli you're like... wait, what? It wasn't a bad way to spend an hour and a half by any means, I got to hang out with a bunch of people I like a lot - Elizabeth Banks! Emily Mortimer! Rashida Jones! Adam Scott! HUGH DANCY - and I got a quick shot of Steve Coogan's taint which is always welcome (no, it isn't), but by the time it got to its forced conclusion (you could tell they were like, oh wait, we have to end this, don't we?) the whole thing had already begun to slip my mind.

Except! There were a lot of cute guys in states of undress in it, so before the haze completely broke I quick-like took some caps, and you can check them all out after the jump. Adam Scott mostly shirtless! Hugh Dancy looking really really really good! Paul Rudd naked, and then kissing some naked dude! (Naked dude is named Lucas Near-Verbrugghe.) I didn't cap the Steve Coogan part though - I am not a saint, yo. I have my limits.


Jasper said...

I hated all three of the sisters in this movie SO MUCH. Their "redemption" (or whatever) at the end was entirely phony.

The attempted three-way scene was interesting, though. I'll give the film that much.

Jason Adams said...

I wouldn't say I hated the sisters, I like Banks and Mortimer too much (although I can't stomach Zooey's cutesy thing any more, she's too freaking old for it), but I am totally with you on the last couple of scenes, the "redemption" thing, ringing 100% false - even Elizabeth Banks, who I feel can sell pretty much everything she tries to sell, didn't even try AT ALL with that scene.

Jasper said...

Oh, I absolutely love Banks and Mortimer, and I certainly don't hate Deschanel like most people seem to (she's whatever), but all three of those sisters were totally aggravating. That movie, for me, was a lesson in how sometimes favorite actors can't salvage despicable characters. Oh my gosh, I left the theater so grumpy, and it's all coming back, it's all coming back to me now...

And Rashida Jones' glasses. RASHIDA JONES' GLASSES.

Anonymous said...

Sold! Based solely on Adam Scott.

Justin said...

Bless you for the cap of Adam Scott.