Friday, December 16, 2011

Ho Ho Hobo


Dear lord look at the swarthy hobo Jude Law looked like at the Sherlock Holmes premiere. All he's missing is a kerchief-sack on a stick filled with baked beans. What is he trying to do to us? Your career is not all that set on stone, dude! Sure these Holmes things do well, and sure you're in a really well-received Martin Scorsese movie at the moment, but it wasn't that long ago that you were sucked into hair-plugged Sienna Miller skanksville! You show up to a movie premiere looking like this:

Accept no substitutes!

I suppose he is back with Sienna, isn't he? I gave up keeping on top of that drama awhile back. She's obviously RUINING him again, damn her. I love participating in elaborate tabloid fantasies. I know these people! I know their lives!

Yadda yadda besides the new Sherlock out this weekend which I will avoid just as I still have the first one, you can read up on what I gots to say on Mission Impossible Stupidest Title Ever and Roman Polinski's Carnage and I even comment upon Chipwrecked over at Celebrity Beehive right now! How very exciting for you!

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