Monday, December 19, 2011

Calves of the Titans


I watched a bootleg version of the trailer for The Dark Knight Rises over the weekend, and it was pretty darn rad. Then I saw Mission Impossible 4 in IMAX yesterday with the six minutes of The Dark Knight Rises footage, and it was pretty darn rad (the Knight footage I mean - Mission Impossible was only alright). And today the official version of the trailer for The Dark Knight Rises is out, yet here I am posting about the trailer for Wrath of the Titans instead. What in the what? I just know plenty of people are gonna share their thoughts on the Dark Knight stuff but who will post the momentary upskirt shots of Sam Worthington if not me? We all have our places in this crazy world, yo.


RJ said...

Thank you for the work that you do.

Jasper said...

How did I never notice you had a SamWow tag before? This became my favorite blog so quickly...

Anonymous said...

I love watching Sam. But he is talentless and Clash was shit. Warth looks even worse. But Sam is in it.
On the bat boy...
For some reason everyone is acting like the new batman is the new Godfather or smt. I got new for all of you. It's not. It may be the most realistic comic book adaptation ever but not the best and certainly not best movie.

And because I don't like Anonymity