Monday, November 14, 2011

Your Place Or Mine?


While I was off having a mostly uneventful weekend,
these two were touching each other. Harumph.


John T said...

Is there a threesome sign up list for these two?

Harry J said...

those two are my favorite!!
what was the event for?

Sean said...

I am sorry, not feeling it with the new Spidey. Not hot. I also found it hard to believe in "Horrible Bosses" how Jason was banging every woman in sight. I mean, he is cute, but he ain't no lady killer. Oh well, what do I know.

Jason Adams said...

Harry, the pics are from the American Museum Of Natural History's Annual Museum Gala the other night.

Sean, I agree that Sudeikis is pretty much just a regular cute guy - albeit very cute - but he's supposedly a total lady's man in real life, so who knows with these things. I mean I'm sure being on SNL helps him out in that department.