Thursday, November 03, 2011

Why Can't This Happen To Me?


Look at that ungrateful prick sitting there, SLEEPING, ignoring what should be the most momentous occasion of his entire life. If he would just turn his head to the side, he would have Jake Gyllenhaal's crotch right in front of his eyes! And yet he snoozes! Snoozes! Who is this person? HOW DARE HE. Well at least he's pushing his elbow out... maybe he got a brush-by when Jake moved. Maybe he's really just being a sneaky dog about it and pretend sleeping, unlike me who'd be slobbering on the front of Jake's trousers like an uncivilized lunatic. Hmm. Perhaps I jumped down his throat too quickly. Well played, dude. Well played! (via)


John said...

The things that go thru your mind JA, interesting though...

Anonymous said...

Deep down I'm dissappointed that asshole who tried to take a picture of his junk while he was peeing at a public restroom didn't succeed.

James T said...

I love you. I do.