Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Quote of the Day

Everybody start watching Enlightened, dammit! I can't even tell you guys how much I love the show. It gets better and better each and every week. What are we, four or five episodes in now? And I am painfully involved in Amy Jellicoe's quest. (I would say "journey" but I am allergic to that word.) Thankfully I don't have to put it into words though, because EW just said it all for me. Choice bit:

"Watching Amy work so hard to become a better human being is wrenching, especially since one of the show’s messages is that it should be very easy if you stop struggling to align the world’s chakras with a rose quartz crystal and just learn to think small. The season’s phenomenal third episode, “Someone Else’s Life,” begins with Amy thinking about the secret lives of the people she works with. ”I imagine the love that they’re getting,” Amy says in the opening voiceover, “and the relief that comes from being really known, the private pleasures they share, the friends they have, and the pressures they don’t. Their sense of importance, the satisfaction of their work … ” But by the end of the episode, after making a simple gesture of kindness to a coworker (I won’t spoil what happens), she looks at things a little differently. “I realize how much I have,” she says, again in voiceover, “and how much I have to give.”

Now, those words might sound like something from Dr. Phil’s Life Script when you’re reading them on the computer. But when I saw that episode, I cried. And when I watched it a second time, to write down those words so that I could quote them here, I cried again."

And me reading those words made me cry again! It's an endless cycle of crying, and laughing, and screaming, and laughing, and crying, and screaming. Fuck it's so good.


triggerua said...

On last nights episode (Not Good Enough Mothers) Enlightened crossed that magical tipping point where you decide if a show is worth the investment. When Laura Dern uttered the line "Krista, I can totally help you guys" and is rejected by someone she thought was a friend the show moved into an area of shear brilliance. My heart broke as I suddenly remembered all the foolish missteps I made to get to where I am now.

John T said...

All right, I usually feel pangs of guilt when you urge us to watch a show because, though I have an alter in my house dedicated to Lost, I have never watched Fringe (hides in shame). But I am watching and loving Enlightened!!!

Lucky said...

I read the show was getting mixed reviews but started watching it anyways. I like it so far, specially Dern, the cinematography and the score (it's so unique). I've seen two episodes so I guess I'm in for something good now.

Sam79 said...

Amazing show and exactly what the world needs right now! We're always so hellbent on trying to change what's outside when all that's needed is to take focus on what's going on inside. If we all gave ourselves the time and attention we need, the world would be a much better place. Never been a huge Dern fan but am a fellow devotee now!

maxx said...

This show—Yes! A show about wrong notes that always hits the right note.