Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Just Scream No

I've talked about how Darren Aronofsky's film Requiem For a Dream actually had a profound influence on my life personally in this respect before, so all I'll say is I can't imagine a director better suited to making anti-drug PSAs than him. I'll just pick one of these at random to post here because I won't get around to watching them until later, but Towelroad has all four. Be afraid.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some folks over at Towleroad think this is homophobic. My own take on it is that it might be, but showing a real situation that some meth users face is more important than being PC and uptight about it. I can deal with the gang of professional gay-haters and their deluded flocks distorting this for their purposes more easily than with damaged, destroyed and dead kids (and adults).