Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Hey I Totally Have That Bowl!


The glass bowl down there at the bottom of the picture, sitting on the table. It sits on the coffee-table in my living-room. What? Whaddya mean what bowl? The bowl. The glass bowl! BOWL! It's right there! At the bottom of the picture! No, not... oh my god nevermind.


RJ said...

I didn't notice a bowl. I was too busy looking at DAT SHELF.

Jason Adams said...

I keep wishing there was a "like" button on blogger comments like there is on Facebook, because I don't have anything to add to your comment, RJ, but I LIKE it.

Wyatt Renfro said...

That bowl look like a glass vagina. Do you want a glass vagina on your table?

Ryan Gosling is quickly becoming my new husband. Sorry, Gyllenhaal.