Monday, November 28, 2011

Daniel Henney Three Times, Plus


I did an obscenely thorough gratuitous post on the actor Daniel Henney last year, but here are a couple shots I missed since it's his birthday today. Happy birthday, hot man! And here's a shot of him dancing with Rain, because yes please keep touching each other. Give this guy more work, Hollywood!


bcarter3 said...

Rain has enlisted in the S Korean army, so there won't be many of those incredible shirtless photo shoots the next couple of years.

It's just like Elvis getting drafted in the 50s, except that Elvis was a crude, coarse-featured redneck, and Rain is one of the most beautiful men on the planet.

Jason Adams said...

Ooh are there pictures of him in uniform? I hope he stays safe, but damn the dudes in his bunk be lucky.