Friday, October 28, 2011

If Only He Were The Star


First things first - every time I read the title of the movie In Time I get Hall & Oates' "Out of Touch" stuck in my head. Good luck getting that song out of your head now.

That out of the way, after that the next thing I think of when I think of In Time is how much I'd want to see it if only it starred Matthew Bomer. Casting fail! Oh well. It apparently sucks anyway. But would it have sucked if Matty had been the star instead of Justin Timberlake? It's a case of the chicken or the egg, where the chicken is a dancing hillbilly ham and the egg is a semi-closeted TV pretty-boy. I don't think that logic quite adds up there but that's never stopped me before. Oh ho, no.

So In Time is out today, as are several other movies, all of them looking less and less appealing to me than the one before. Puss In Boots? More like Poop In Poop am I right or am I right? Sigh. It's been a long week. Also you get bonus points if you read that sentence in Kaitlin Olsen's manic Dee Reynolds' voice because that's what it sounded like in my head.

Point being, movies! Out today, it being a Friday. And I wrote up my thoughts on them at Celebrity Beehive. Hear what similarly strange ramblings I have for Roland Emmerich's Anonymous and Johnny Depp's The Rum Diary, amongst others! Here's a hint: they can all go fuck themselves, the end!

Half a frame away from a hand-job...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw this tonight and I have to agree. Mat had the most depth of character in a movie that suffered from too many 25 year olds. As for that close up of his beautiful face as the clock went toward zero ... *sigh*