Friday, October 07, 2011

Great Shame


There's no way I'm able to write up my thoughts on Shame tonight, having just gotten home from the theater, but I will say I found it profoundly moving experience. Michael Fassbender and Carey Mulligan give tremendous performances, and McQueen crafted all the movie I wanted Hunger to be. I'll write more on Monday or thereabouts. Here are a couple pictures from the Q&A. From left to right that's James Badge Dale, Michael Fassbender, the producer (don't remember his name), director Steve McQueen, and critic Dennis Lim who is the greatest Q&A moderator of all time.


Simone said...

I'm glad you enjoyed Shame and had ended a great few days of Fassbender.

I'll be emailing you.

Jasper said...

The producer in the middle is Iain Canning, who I'd never seen before his Oscar win last year for The King's Speech, which I was not thrilled about, but hey, at least something good came out of it, cuz that shit was love at first sight.

Google image search him sometime. He's probably worthy of his own picture post.

Jason Adams said...

My boyfriend was talking about how hot he thought that guy was, Jasper! With Fassy there I wasn't really paying attention to anybody else on stage, but I will look him up cuz he looks good in these pics.

Simone said...

Iain does have a nice metrosexual thing going on.

But, Fassbender is top dog regarding all Shame talk. JA, did your bf even notice Fassy?

Jasper said...

Iain's actually gay! He thanked his boyfriend in his Oscar acceptance speech. For Iain and me, it was a brief affair, and it ended badly.

(Or can a homosexual be metrosexual? I'm really bad at all this.)

Anonymous said...

May be shallow, but how was the peen!?

Jason Adams said...

Simone - Of course the bf noticed Fassy! It's impossible not to. He's just not as laser-eyed as me. ;)

Jasper, I don't think a homosexual can be a metrosexual. I think one of the defining characteristics of "metrosexual" is that the man is heterosexual. I could be wrong though, because oh my god it's nonsense. But yeah as soon as I saw Iain's picture I remembered him thanking his boyfriend in his Oscar speech.

anonymous - I keep hesitating to talk about the cock because the movie is SO GOOD on its own that I don't want to make it sound as if the movie lives or dies by the cock. But Fassy doesn't seem embarrassed or ashamed - and good god he shouldn't be - by any of it, so I won't be either. I did say he gives a TREMENDOUS performance, didn't I? Let's stay with that word.

Simone said...

Oh, I didn't know Iain was gay, but that's way cool he thanked his boyfriend in his Oscar acceptance speech. So in this case, metrosexual doesn't apply.

JA, I gave you a shout out in the latest FF article. Great job this week.

And like you, I have avoided focusing in on Michael's GIGANTIC talent in the film, and just tried to emphasis how excellent the film is. ;-)

That's just being respectful.